To change your email address used for signing into my account, please follow the steps below. Please note that this is the email address you use for signing into your account and where you also receive systems emails from Consultants 500. Depending on how you completed your profile this email address may not be the same email address you provided in your profile for Searchers to contact you on.
As a Consultant / Freelancer / Company:
- Sign in to your Consultants 500 account.
- Go to your Security Information page at the left bar.
- Enter your new email you wish to use at Email and press the save button.
- Your email has been changed and from now on you should use this email to sign in and you will also receive all system emails on this address.
As a Searcher / Rater / Reviewer:
- Sign in to your Consultants 500 account.
- Go to your Edit Profile page at the left bar.
- Enter your new email you wish to use at Email and press the save button.
Your email has been changed and from now on you should use this email to sign in and you will also receive all system emails on this address.