Create your profile
Build your profile in a few minutes, adding services, expertise, experience and more.
Get ratings & reviews
Ask your clients to give feedback on your work done basis a brief review and key skill ratings.
Get found and hired
New clients searching for Consultants like you will find you basis your profile and feedback received. Get in contact with each other and agree on the project to be done any way you wish.
Do great work & ask for feedback
Get the job done above expectations. Ask for Ratings & Reviews, improving your profile even more and helping you to find new opportunities easier and quicker.
Other key elements
- The rank of search results is never influenced by type of Memberships.
- Upgraded Memberships only involve additional functionality.
- If you switch from employer, for whatever reason, you automatically take your profile, your history and your feedback received with you.
Links to related information
- How does it work for a Company?
- How does Searching work?
- How does Feedback work for Consultants / Freelancers?
- How does Feedback work for a Company?
- How does Feedback work for a Client?
- What Memberships exist?